Myriad Apocalypse Project :: Teddybird

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Re: Myriad Apocalypse Project :: Teddybird

by Teddybird » Sun Dec 02, 2012 12:11 pm

Firejack wrote:Application accepted. I've granted you member forum access. I'll send you teamspeak details shortly.

Welcome to the Community!
Got the PM thanks, doing chores atm but should be on a bit later.

Re: Myriad Apocalypse Project :: Teddybird

by Firejack » Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:58 am

Application accepted. I've granted you member forum access. I'll send you teamspeak details shortly.

Welcome to the Community!

Re: Myriad Apocalypse Project :: Teddybird

by Teddybird » Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:08 am

Char name on server atm is Blackrosealpha, Will start leveling (hopefully) today so least got ome cert points to play with.

Re: Myriad Apocalypse Project :: Teddybird

by blitzkrieg » Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:39 am

Greetings Teddybird.

In answer to your question, there will most likely be some one on majority of the time. In terms of actual ops, during the week, i'm starting them between 7-8 pm UK time. And they tend to finish around 11-12ish. However people are on in number way before then, even by 4-6PM quite a few people will be on. During the weekend it obviously changes, but people will be on throughout the weekend.

Regarding your application, team players are always welcome amongst our roster, even if they claim to be poor shots. Teamwork is key. We shall get back to you tomorrow, as you currently know, it's stupid o'clock in the morning. You will have an answer tomorrow.


Myriad Apocalypse Project :: Teddybird

by Teddybird » Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:32 am

Your name:
Sam robertson
Your in-game name:
Your Age:
Have microphone (yes/no)?
Yes, plus all commonly used VOIP's

Favourite class:
Combat medic / Enginner
Favourite ground vehicle:
Lighting / Mag
Favourite air vehicle:
Any i dont have to pilot!

How did you find us? ... -eu.20808/
Are you a returning member to the Outfit/Community?
Do you have a friend in the Outfit? If yes, who?

So little bit of a short app compared to what im used to (Raiding on wow for give or take 6years), So would like to include some background.

I don't have any PS1 exp, hell i barely have any PS2 experience but from what ive seen and played it runs like M.A.G on the PS3 console which is exactly what i was looking for.
Ill be honest im not a great shot, i even got nicknamed the rose roulette back on mag when i figured id go for the shotgun achievements, ill leave you to guess the rest lol.
What i don't have in aiming i do make up for in support and this is where i play from, Medic, enginneer? Right up my street, that or coming round the corner in a lighting and wishing the red dots good morning.

Back on M.A.G i was the guy who only had a few kills at the end of the game but was still high on the scoreboard, suppressing fire while your reloading? not a problem just don't expect me to take the guy out! Im currently on a different server however given how easy it is to make character and the fact ive just started changing wouldn't be a problem, more so with the prospect of running with a coordinated team. I would suggest though you let me know which role you would need and a few pointers is best Cert point placement wouldn't go amiss either, once i find a weapon/acc im happy with i might get a few kills in even but took me a long time on MAG to find the load out and i think PS2 will be no different, plus a console pad to keyboard and mouse is a bit of a git and pads dont work so well with PS2, i know i tryed this morning!

Other games ive played/playing - Till recently i was a full time WoW raider, after a few guild problems plus MOP coming out just didn't feel like continuing since i started back in TBC,
Only other real game im playing bar trying out PS2 atm is diablo 3 in which i play a Archon/CM WIz and a WW barb (new main atm) can solo mp9 keywardens and do mp8-ish ubers. Looked at EVE online once along time ago but figured very quickly i didn't have the time nor energy required to play both that and wow to the levels i would like to, have been thinking about checking it out again, and following that im also keeping my eye on Dust 514.

Would like to know what sort of times people/the outfit normaly game at or is it simperly the majoirty are on most night between a certain set of times?
Thanks for the read,
