warrior application

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warrior application

Post by Mijankat » Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:52 pm

Your First name (surname is optional): Alf

Your in game name: Mijankat

Your Age: 19

How you heard about us: wow-europe forums :)

Are you a returning member to the Community? If so, which division where you a member of (Clan Diamond Wolf, Starwolf, Nemetos Order etc)? Nope

Your motivation for joining: I want to become a better player, that means progress as a player and a guild, i also wanna have fun and make friends in the game :)

* Main Character Name: Mijankat
* Main Character Class: Warrior
* Main Character Level: 70


* Moltan Core - Cleared
* Onyxia - Cleared
* Zul'Gurub - Cleared
* Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj - Cleared
* BlackWing Lair - Cleared
* Temple of Ahn'Qiraj - Cleared
* Naxxramas - did some bosses here and there, but stopped playing active when guild got into naxx


(If you haven't cleared any bosses but are attuned we would also like to know)

* Karazhan - Cleared
* Gruuls Lair - Cleared
* Maghteridons Lair - never been
* Serpenshrine Cavern - attempts on lurker only :S
* Tempest Keep - never been


Fury : http://www.ctprofiles.net/profiles.ct?a ... pid=115005
Tank: http://www.ctprofiles.net/profiles.ct?a ... pid=115003
also have 200+ badges to spend when badge vendor comes
Magic Resistances

If you have any resistance gear please post how much you have in each.

* Nature -
* Fire -
* Shadow -
* Arcane -
* Frost - have iceguard helm, and some rings in bank if needed.


* Primary professions - Enchanting and Blacksmhtinging (hammersmith)
* Secondary Professions - First aid 375 :roll:

Any Rare Patterns/recipes/plans?
Executioner enchant, cat/boar speed and stuff from reputation, nothing special with my blacksmhithing
Reason you want to join Nemetos Order
You seems to be good guild and im sick and tiered of all the slackers in pve guilds that are trying to go on to 25 man raids, i wanna go hardcore, but thats abit hard when a guild uses 2months to gather people to wipe on gruul.

Why do you want to join Nemetos Order? (tip: don't use the word epics)
same as i just said, i want to progress as a player and a guild, i really miss the progress wiping for days followed by a takedown later on!
Other things we should know?
I played in a pretty hardcore guild on kazzak pretbc : http://www.lightguardians.com/jml/ but i stopped playing around when naxx came out, reason i quit was simply that i had to focus school and rl for a time. I played the game since beta and i loved the high-end raiding pretbc. I started playing the septemberish in 2007 and migrated to kor'gall since some friends played here, i have since christmas tried to play pve, but i have just been stuck with doing gruul, attempting ssc and then guilddisband of diffrent reasons.

* Which days can you join? Which days can't you join? I can mostly play everyday
* Which times can you play? i can play from 17-01
* Teamspeak is a requirement for raiding with Nemetos Order. You don't have to speak on it, but we do like people communicating. do you have it? i have teamspeak and mic!
* /played? 54 days

* Previous guilds. Why did you leave them? ståull ( disbanded ) then vet, here we started in ssc, then alot of people left, we tried a long time to get people in vet again, for 25 man raids, but after some weeks vet also disbanded cuz of slacking. Then i joined The scarlet knights, but i understand how boring this game was playing with slacking people.

* Any other information we should know that's not included in other parts of your application -
I know my gear and raiding experience TBC is very bad, but im a fast learned and i can join as either tank or dps after your need, i hope you will give me a chance, even my gear sux abit :)


Re: warrior application

Post by Guest » Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:03 pm

mhm, delete application, bought xbox360 and will slack with wow until wotlk or something..


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