BF3 Ingame Admin

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In-Game Admin, version

Copy and paste of plugin text. Original Author: Phogue @


Exposes some basic text based commands to players with accounts and necessary privileges

Command Response Scopes (default)

 ! Responses will be displayed to everyone in the server. Everyone will see ""Phogue has been kicked for team killing"".
@ Responses will only be displayed to the account holder that issued the command. The command issuer will see ""Phogue has been kicked for team killing"" but no one else will.
# Responses will be displayed to all players that hold an account (""display to admins only""). Only account holders will see ""Phogue has been kicked for team killing"".

All error messages are privately sent to the command issuer



Ban Type
  • Frostbite - Name (default): Bans on the players name alone. This is the weakest type of ban.
  • Frostbite - EA GUID: Bans on the players EA GUID which is tied to their login account.
  • Punkbuster - GUID: Bans a player on their punkbuster GUID.
Include Admin name

If enabled the plugin will include the admin name responsible for the ban in the reason.


* added endround command

* Updated to support BF3

Commands (default)

Kicking / Banning

@kick [playername] [optional: reason]

* Kicks a player from your server * The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu * Requirements: Minimum of kick privileges

@tban [playername] [time in minutes] [optional: reason]

* Temporarily bans a player from your server for a set time in minutes * The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu * By default procon will not allow users with only temporary ban privileges to ban for longer than an hour * Requirements: Minimum of temporary ban privileges

@ban [playername] [optional: reason]

* Permanently bans a player from your server * The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu * Requirements: Permanent ban privileges


@kill [playername] [optional: reason]

* Kills a player * The reason will appear in the response and message sent to the player * Requirements: Minimum of kill privileges

@nuke [optional: team]

* Kills every player in the server, or if a team is specified will kill every player on that team * Has a 10 seconds countdown that can be canceled with the @cancel command * Requirements: Minimum of kill privileges


@say [text]

* Says [text] for everyone to see from the Server * Requirements: Must hold an account with procon

@psay [playername] [text]

* Says [text] to a specific player from the Server * Requirements: Must hold an account with procon

@yell [text] BFBC2 & BF3 only

* Yells [text] for everyone to see in the middle of their screen * Requirements: Must hold an account with procon

@pyell [playername] [text] BFBC2 & BF3 only

* Yells [text] to a specific player in the middle of their screen * Requirements: Must hold an account with procon

Map controls

@restart [optional: timer]

* Restarts the current map * If specified will display a countdown timer than can be canceled with the @cancel command * Requirements: Must have ""Use Map Functions"" privileges

@nextlevel [optional: timer]

* Forwards to the next level * If specified will display a countdown timer than can be canceled with the @cancel command * Requirements: Must have ""Use Map Functions"" privileges

@endround [teamID] [optional: timer]

* Ends the round and declares the team given by its number as winner * If specified will display a countdown timer than can be canceled with the @cancel command * Requirements: Must have ""Use Map Functions"" privileges

Player control

@move [playername]

* Moves a player to another team. Swaps them in Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush and will cycle through the 4 teams in Squad Deathmatch * Queues the player and will move them when the next die * Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges

@move [playername] [squad] BFBC2 & BF3 only

* Moves a player into a squad on their same team * Queues the player and will move them when the next die * Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges

@move [playername] [team]

* Moves a player onto another team in no squad * Queues the player and will move them when the next die * Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges

@move [playername] [team] [squad] BFBC2 & BF3 only

* Moves a player onto another team and into a specific squad * Queues the player and will move them when the next die * Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges


* fmove functions exactly like all of the @move commands except forces the move immediately by killing the player * Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges



* Cancels all countdowns initiated by the account holder * You cannot cancel other account holders countdowns * Requirements: Must hold an account with procon

Custom Configs (basic in game command addons)


* Displays a list of configs available in the /Configs/CInGameAdmin/*.cfg directory * This command replaces the ""@exec -l"" command of 1.6 and prior versions of the in game admin * Requirements: Must hold an account with procon (the configs validate privileges themselves)

@exec [configname]

* Executes a config in the /Configs/CInGameAdmin/*.cfg directory * The config author is responsible for insuring the executing account holder has sufficient privileges * No pre-made configs are provided with procon, but you can visit <a href="""" target=""_blank"">the forums</a> to download configs to extend the in game admin * You can make/edit/copy/whatever any more configs, essentially allowing you to make your own basic in game commands =) * Requirements: Must hold an account with procon (the configs validate privileges themselves)

If procon needs confirmation of your intentions it will ask ""Did you mean [command]?"", you can then answer !yes which will execute your confirmed command.

Argument Matching

Procon will match your command against a dictionary of possible arguments, then order the possibilities by those containing subsets of what you said.

Possibilities: ""Phogue"", ""1349"", ""Sunder"", ""Zangen"", ""Sinex""

  • ""Sangen"" will match ""Zangen"" because only one letter is different and no possibilities have a subset of ""Sangen""
  • ""sin"" will match ""Sinex"" because even though it is lexicographically closer to ""1349"", Sinex contains a subset of ""sin""

Additional Information

  • This plugin is compatible with Basic In-Game Info's @help command
  • In game admin will use Vanilla bfbc2 data if available, then use punkbuster data if available.
  • The in game admin uses a combination of a spell checker with an auto-completer. As of 1.5 the spell checker will favour names/maps/etc that have a subset of what you typed exactly. Play around with it and let me know your horror stories with this feature on the forums =)
  • No one will see you issuing the commands (even you) if you prefix it with a '/'

/@kick Phogue
(this text won't be displayed in the game)