Rogue/feral druid

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Rogue/feral druid

Post by Azarua/Britania » Mon May 16, 2011 10:03 pm


Character name:Azaruan or Britania
Character class:Rogue or Druid
Main Spec:Combat or feral (dps)
Dual Spec (if you have one):sub (pvp) feral (pvp)
Professions:Skinning + leatherworking, mining + alchemy
Armory link:<---rogue<---Druid Just started gearing druid so not fully enchanted yet

1) How long have you been playing WoW? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerm...3 years or so me thinks ^^

2) How long have you been playing the character you're applying with? Rogue is my lastest high level character made, and druid was my first character i ever made :)

3) What's your raiding experience?Started in Wrath, did Naxx, skipped ulduar, came back to do ToC, and then went on to kill lk 25 with Ex nihilo nihil fit. While in Cata on my rogue i have done 11/12 bosses, but know tactics to Nef :) Not raided on druid in Cata yet :(

4) What was your previous guild and why did you leave it? Flawless Defect, everyone stopped playing -.-

5) What's your motivation to apply to Nemetos Order? In all fairness, its a guild that has progression is my reason.

6) What can we expect from you? A player that knows how to play properly :)

7) What do you expect from us? Good raiding and enjoyment in guild. That being from fun random HC's to random achievements together.

8 ) Is there someone you know already in the guild who can vouch for you? Nope

9) When can you raid? (At what days, and what times)? Any day but Friday/sautrday

10) Do you have any real life obligations which could interfere with our raid times? (monday and wednesday 20:00 till 23:00 ST) Not as of yet, may do in future.

11) What is the spec of your computer and how's your internet connection? Intel quad core Q6600 2.40ghz, etc internet is fine, if i have lag then its usaully something to do with Blizzard :P

12) If you have dual spec, please tell us if you are geared and able to use it well in our raids. On druid my pvp spec does have tank talents, and as PvE geaer is agility gemmed, it does work well in tanking for feral :)

13) Are you able to use and speak on mumble (The voice chat program we use)? Yep

14) Any other group or solo activities you enjoy in WoW? I do like to PvP 2v2 or 3v3 just for kicks ^^

15) Do you have anything else we should know? Yep, when i did this app i was bloody tired :P neeeeeed some sleep, so nighty night sleep tight. Hope to get contact from you soon.

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Re: Rogue/feral druid

Post by Lex » Tue May 17, 2011 9:45 am

Thnx for taking the trouble in actually making an application, appreciate that!

Problem at the moment is that we are pretty melee-heavy atm... would you consider in activly raiding as boomkin druid if it was needed? (just woundering)

cant promise 100% raidslots as melee atm!

Feel free to take a shot and try to get your attendance up and proof yourself :) We do more than just raiding :)



Re: Rogue/feral druid

Post by Guest » Tue May 17, 2011 8:41 pm

Nope, no chance sorry :P I got balance gear actually, but MY GOD I found it such a crap spec, so boring, no nice burst damage...just dont like it :P I dont mind joining the guild with my dps classes and wait to prove myself of raiding :)

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Re: Rogue/feral druid

Post by Lex » Tue May 17, 2011 10:02 pm

allright fair enough :)

You can ask any of the officers for an invite, get your chars and alts in and see if you can find your way in our guild :) plz register to this forum aswell and get mumble working (info is in guildinformation once your in)

Welcome :)

Lock me plz!


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