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applying for membership Nemetos Order

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 9:35 am
by Crys(taleyes)
I have a lvl 60 warlock (Crys) and a 60 hunter (Crystaleyes, main) looking for a high-lvl instance guild. I heard you guys were looking for warlocks. With my hunter I have attended multiple raids to ZG, MC, AQ20 and BWL with my former guilds Fear and Aurora Borealis. Got some epic equip on him as well and 300/300 mining and engineering. My lock has 6/8 tier0 set and some +dmg gear as well as 300/300 alchemy and tailoring. Hope to hear from you guys in game.

Crystaleyes, 60 hunter
Crys, 60 Warlock
Goldfist, 48 Paladin
Wauthur, 38 Druid
Stklaas, 19 Mage
Aurora, 17 Priest
Bobmarley, 10 Shaman on Sunstrider (I think)