Bittorrent Network

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Hosting large files is really expensive. Sure there are many free hosting sites but they are packed with adverts, complicated registrations, subscription fees or limits on transfers. The solution to this I have for along time believe is Bittorrent. Many of, if not all, of you will of used it for downloading movies or music illegally and totally ignored the potential it offers for you to host your own files. This is the idea behind the TNGC Community Bittorrent Network. Instead of needing expensive hosting to store all our downloads we are going to use Bittorrent to host our TNGC downloads for free, from our own machines.

Downloading fron the TNGC Community Bittorrent Network

Highly recommend you use Azureus as your Bittorrent client. It makes downloading and hosting files really easy! You can use any Bittorrent client you prefer though.

To download the torrents simply visit the tracker and click on the download you want. This will download a .torrent file to your computer that you can open it in your Bittorrent client to start the download.

Making the Network a success

In order for any Bittorrent network to be successful we need people to help distribute the file. This can either be people with the complete file acting as seeds (hosts) or peers (downloaders) downloading the file. Two golden rules:

  1. Even if a torrent is going slow. Do not disconnect as it will speed up when more people join bringing more bandwidth to the torrent. The faster you upload the faster you can download. If there is 1 seeder and 2 peers in a torrent. The seeder will upload part of the file to each peer so they can download the data they are missing from both the seeder and peer at the same time increasing speed!
  2. Do not close the torrent once its complete. Keeping your Bittorrent client seeding whenever your computer is online will ensure other people can download the file others originally helped you download.

Hosting on the TNGC Community Bittorrent Network

Remember! Some files are going to be too big for me to host on my home server alone. So we'll need people to help host them with me. Please make sure you host the files you add to the network. Note: This guide is for Azureus in Windows XP.

  • Navigate to FILES >> NEW TORRENT


  • Select the Use External Tracker radio button and enter ""
  • Select the Single File or Directory radio button depending on the type of torrent you are creating.
  • Enter a Comment.. Remember your name! (unlike I did in the screenshot ;) )
  • Press NEXT
  • Enter the filepath to the file or directory you want to create the torrent of.
  • Press NEXT
  • Check the Open torrent for seeding when done


  • Press FINISH. The torrent will be created and you will start seeding (hosting) the file.

Seeding Example Screenshot

  • Now goto
  • Click the link to UPLOAD A FILE in the top right
  • Enter the filepath of the .torrent file you just created. (Default is c:\torrents)
  • Select a Category
  • Press SUBMIT
  • This will automatically start uploading the file to my server so it helps seed the file also

Tips for Using Azureus

Azureus can be started automatically when your computer starts and help seed/complete downloads.

  • Right Click on the Azureus folder and click Open
  • Copy the Azureus shortcut file
  • Press UP and select the Startup folder
  • Paste the shortcut there.
  • Open Azureus and goto OPTIONS >> INTERFACE >> START and check the minimize on start option

You can also configure the speed Azureus downloads/uploads at anytime of the day, by using the Speed Schedular plugin.

  • Goto PLUGINS >> INSTALLATION WIZARD and select By list from
  • Now goto PLUGINS >> SPEED SCHEDULAR and check the Enable SpeedSchedular option.
  • Press the NEW SCHEDULE button to start adding your schedule

--Firejack 15:14, 25 September 2006 (BST)