CDW Code Of Conduct

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Code of Conduct

Inside the heart of every Diamond Wolf are these five values:

Honor...his life-blood;

Respect...for his superiors and his enemies; bearing the name, title, and honor of the Diamond Wolf Clan; the face of the enemy, danger, and death; strike fear in the heart of the enemy.

Honor is the highest tenet of the Clan. Either directed to the enemy or to another clan member, a Diamond Wolf must never use abusive language, profanity, or racist remarks. This rule applies to games, chats and forum entries. Any direct attacks on individual clan members by other clan members will not be tolerated. Good-hearted harassment amongst members is generally expected, however, keep the level of language used tolerable for all participants involved in the conversation. In battle, the honorable warrior will always hold in battle when asked, will never spawn rape out of greed and will always honor the sanctity of the Zellbrigen.

Respect for superiors is vital. The chain of command must remain strong and unbreakable lest the Clan itself fall into disarray and chaos. Both in practice and in battle, all pilots are expected to follow the orders of their superiors.

All warriors should always be proud to bear the mantle of the Clan. Each Diamond Wolf is an emissary to the outside world and thusly must never disparage or talk negatively in any way about the Clan, its leadership, or other warriors. Problems within the Clan must ALWAYS be dealt with within the Clan. Uphold the honor of the Clan at all times.

A Diamond Wolf is always courageous in battle. He is never afraid to battle warriors or units who are higher skilled. Losing builds character, and courage in the face of certain defeat brings much honor. In order to learn and improve, a warrior must fight those who are more skilled than he. Having lost a battle, a wise warrior holds his head high, analyzes his loss and learns from his mistakes. The foolish warrior tucks his tail and hides.

Lastly, a Diamond Wolf is always ferocious in the face of his adversaries. He never surrenders...he always fights to the last. He never complains, whines, whimpers or tucks his tail to hide. Even with no weapons, a wolf will always jump or charge, bite and claw to the last and die with the highest honor. If a Diamond Wolf has bid poorly or has underestimated the skill or cunning of his opponent, he must not further tarnish the name of the Clan by whining about legging, camping, or any other tactic which is being successfully employed against him. Rather, the honorable Diamond Wolf should acknowledge the superior play of his opponent, learn the lesson of his loss, and come back fighting even harder the next battle.

Actions not frowned upon by Clan tenets:

Fire on a Retreating 'Mech: If an opposing unit’s position has been broken by superior tactics, firepower or numbers by Diamond Wolf forces, retreating ‘Mechs will not be afforded reprieve. However, if the opposing commander has offered surrender, or if the CDW commanding officer has ordering a cease-fire, then all warriors are obliged to hold their fire.

Firing on a Shutdown or Fallen 'Mech: If an opponent, though inferior skill or pilot or tactical error, has shutdown, fallen or been knocked down by weapons fire, then he shall not be afforded any reprieve.

Firing at the Rear of a 'Mech: If an opponent, though inferior skill or pilot or tactical error, allows Diamond Wolf units into a position where his back is vulnerable to fire, he shall not be afforded any reprieve.

“Kill-stealing”: In a multi-unit battle where all participants are members of Clan Diamond Wolf, there can never be any accusation of kill-stealing. To be victorious, it is strategically vital to, if the enemy makes a tactical error, outnumber him in order to assure a quick victory. If an enemy warrior allows himself to get into a tactical position in which CDW units can fire upon him, that is his error and he will not be shown mercy. It would therefore be dishonorable for one warrior to accuse another of stealing his kill once that common enemy was defeated. The only situation in which such an accusation would have any basis would be if a Zellbrigen had been openly issued for all to witness.

Legging: If the enemy willfully and knowingly enters into battle with insufficient armor to protect his legs, then he shall be afforded no reprieve. Leaving leg armor weak to bolster weapons is a gamble; if this weakness is discovered, it must be exploited.

Camping: Camping is merely a defensive tactic. Finding a defensible position, entrenching yourself and waiting for the enemy to attack is one of the oldest and most successful tactics in war. However, in order for this tactic to be successful, the enemy must cooperate by attacking you. If you feel that the enemy has an advantage by camping, then you simply should not attack. If you knowingly and willfully attack the enemy's entrenched positions, you should not whine about it afterwards if you are defeated.

All of these above situations arise from the inferior tactics, skill or abilities of our enemies. If they underestimate the Diamond Wolf, make a grievous mistake in tactics, or suffer from lack of training or experience, we will not forgive them. If they turn their back on us, we will cut them down. If they lose their footing for a second, we will pounce and devour them. If they are so foolish as to allow themselves to be outflanked, surrounded, or pounded upon, we will give them no reprieve. We are Diamond Wolves. We fight honorably, and if our enemies show any sign of weakness, we will strike swiftly, powerfully, and lethally. They should not ask, beg or whine for mercy...none will forthcoming.

Members of Clan Diamond Wolf will conform to the rules of any league the Clan is part of, in any situation. It is the duty of every member to read the rules of the Clan and of any league we are in, to understand and to know them. Members of Clan Diamond Wolf will conform to the code of conduct of The Zone, in any situation. Any Clan member found cheating will be reported to the league administration and publicly disowned from the Clan.

Failure to abide by the tenets set above may result in reprimand, demotion, or in severe cases, expulsion from the Clan.