DKP Admin

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This guide is for those Officers who will be administrating the DKP system. Make sure you read the whole guide including the Bugs section!!

In order to keep the system as easy to use and up to date as possible. We use one version of the DKP as a Master Version of the DKP. This way we can make sure the DKP values are correct and current. The update feature in game works perfectly between two people. However when you start exchanging raid data between several its confusing and easy to make a mistake.

Before a Raid

Installing the mod

You can download the RaidUi mod off our website here. Version 1.02P was the most recent at the time of writing. Install it like any other mod by extracting it you \WoW\Interface\Addons directory.

Run WoW and on the character selection screen goto Addons and increase your Script Memory to at least 64MB. RaidUI uses a lot of memory. If you have a lot of UI mods be sure to increase your Script Memory accordingly.

Open your Keybindings. Scroll down until you fine the options under the Scen Raid section. You need to assign a keybind to the Open Menu and Raid Details function. I use ALT+[ and ALT+] but you can use whatever you like.

Preparing for a Raid

Next you need to download the Master Copy of the DKP. You can find it on our website in a password protected directory


Username: Nemetos

Password: Ask another Officer

Now before every raid you must replace your version of the DKP with the Master Version uploaded. Download the file and unzip it to your \WoW\WTF\Account\NAME\SavedVariables folder.

Starting a Raid


To start a raid. First goto the Invites tab and enter in the Raid Name box the name of the encounter or select from the list by clicking the ... button. So Hakkar in this example. Now click back on the Points tab and press the Start Raid button.

During a Raid

Make sure you are Master Looter.


When you loot you will see two new buttons.


Open Bids starts an auction for items. Show Guild list what dropped in Guild Chat.


After you have pressed the Open Bids button you get the following display.


To start the bids you should press the List Items button. You can press List Item to show them individually but its annoying. You will now start receiving whispers with peoples bids. They are automatically entered into the bidding window. The right side of the bidding window can be ignored. All you need to do is set the Minimum bid for the instance you are currently inside. Once all the bids are received. Select the highest bid and press Award Item. WARNING: This will automatically give the item to the person instantly. You can disable this feature but it slows down looting. Once all loot has been awarded press the Close button.

After a Raid

To close a raid. Open RaidUI with the keybinding you set earlier.


Now press the Close Raid button and enter YES (Note: uppercase characters) in the confirmation box. The raid will close and a small progress Window will appear and update everyones DKP.

Updating the Master version of DKP

Press the Raid Details keybinding you made.


Now select the raid you wish to send to the (preset) person running the Master version of the DKP. Open the OPTS tab and press the Send Data button. A progress Window appears. Once its done send a whisper to the person with the Master Version as they'll need to validate the raid.

Extra Instructions for person running Master Version

Note: Only the person running the Master version of the mod needs to do this.

Validating Raids

When you receive a raid from someone it is important you Validate it right away. Open up the Raid Listings window and click on the Options Tab. The Validate option is there.


IMPORTANT: There is a bug were the Validate button sometimes appears Greyed out. To avoid this problem and to Validate several raids at once.

  1. First select the first raid you have received.
  2. Then press options then Validate
  3. Then select the second raid
  4. But now remember to click the Details tab and then the options tab
  5. Validate the second raid
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each of the other raids

IMPORTANT: Don't make any adjustments to a raid you have received before you have validated it. You may end up charging someone twice for an item or giving someone twice the amount of DKP they were supposed tp have.

Updating the DKP webpage

Visit the downloads section of our website again. Download Raid Uploader (version 014M at the time of writing). Unzip the file and run the executable inside. Press the Load button. All the boxes will be filled automatically. Press the Upload button and wait. This can often take several minutes so be patient.

Uploading the Master Version of the DKP

  • Navigate to \WoW\WTF\Account\NAME\SavedVariables and right click on the ScenRaid.lua file and press SEND TO >> Compressed (Zipped) Folder.
  • Open your FTP client and enter

FTP Site:


Password: Contact Nemetos Web Admin

  • Upload the file to /dkp/raidui/ overwriting the old version.


  • The Time based DKP bonus only applied for New Encounters. You start the bonus by pressing the Clock icon seen in the screenshot for closing a Raid. On the Points tab.
  • After each Encounter close the raid. This will update everyones DKP and allow you to easily troubleshoot any incorrect DKP values later (happens rarely). Press Resume on the OPTS tab for a raid to restart it.
  • Also when you have closed a raid and the progress window that updated everyones DKP has gone. Typing /console reloadui will save the DKP data so you will still have it should you crash.
  • If you disconnect during a raid. Don't worry the mod will automatically start up at the point you disconnected.
  • In the interests of being fair and because the person running the mod can see all people bids. They should whisper their bid to another Officer before opening the bidding.


  • RaidUi has a couple of annoying bugs. Sometimes if someone makes a typo or bids incorrectly you get a lua error message in the middle of the screen. Its Safe to close this.
  • Raidui will wipe your friends list at some point, normally when you close a raid.
  • People with strange characters like ä can't check their DKP with the raidpoints command. They have to use the pointslist class command instead.
  • IMPORTANT: Should someone be out of range of the mod then they loot. Range is about 25 yards. They will not be charged for an item and you'll have to enter their bid manually. Best thing to do is make sure they stay in range and don't run away while looting takes place. You can check someone has been charge by looting in your chat window for the Green text which shows someone has looted an item. If you do miss an item and can't find the item in the DKP mod database to charge the person. Shift+click the item and its added to the mod.


  • Skerem/Domo/Razorgore/new Encounters - These bosses will cause the DKP mod to get confused. DKP for Skerem is awarded each time a Copy dies. In the case of Domo because you don't actually kill Domo in the encounter with his adds. RaidUi doesn't award DKP until Ragnaros kills him. I've tried configuring the mod to see Domo chest as a kill, but it doesn't work. Should you wipe on Razorgore because he dies at the end the DKP award points.

To stop this happening close the current raid before starting the Encounter. Then resume it and award the correct amount of point manually. Then award the loot. To enter the DKP manually you should type the DKP into the Raid Value box. IMPORTANT: You must do this before anyone leaves or joins the raid or the DKP will be incorrect!!! The text will be Green not Gray as shown in the picture if you have the raid open.


  • IMPORTANT: When you open the Raid Listings, under the OPTS tab. There is a new button Resync DO NOT PRESS THIS BUTTON. Its an unfinished feature of the mod and wasn't meant to be included.