Game Servers

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Game Servers

Currently the Community has a Battlefield 3 server kindly paid for by our members. Its a 64-slot server hosted by and located in their Amsterdam datacentre.

Battlefield 3

The aim of this server is to make it as fun and varied as possible. We won't have any crazy rules you must follow. We do ask you play the game in the spirit the developers intended. Meaning no exploiting, cheating or hacking. This server will use settings DICE recommends apart from those listed below to give you the Battlefield 3 experience you want without needing to hunt around for servers with standard settings.

Server Battlelog Info page - Add to favourites!

Server Status (Server is 64 slots not 32. This is a bug with mixed mode servers and game tracker!):



The server is protected by PBBans, status:


Server is also protected by GGC-Stream, status:


Our server also participates in the Metabans community:

Server Player Stats

You can view the leaderboards and player stats for our server here:

Custom Server settings

  • Tickets change depending on player count and map type.
  • IdleTimeout set to 900 seconds so you won't get kicked customizing your kits or making a coffee!

Servers Rules

  • Extreme abuse towards any player will result in a ban!
  • No exploiting glitches/bugs!
  • PTFO - Play The Fucking Objective!
  • Spot targets, drop ammo/health!
  • All weapons allowed!
  • No camping Uncap bases!
  • Keep teams even!
  • No private/clan games without permission!
  • No pretending to be an admin!


Q: Why does the server sometimes show as having few player slots available, e.g 8/12 not 8/64?

A: The reason is we use seeding to fill the server. This is a method common to many servers. Seeding aims to build up the game slowly by attracting Quick Match players while keeping the teams balanced, i.e 4v4 instead of 6v2. You can join at any time. More slots will be added to the server as more players join until we reach 64 players.

Q: Why am I warned about my language. Its an 18+ game?

A: Yelling and abusing others doesn't win you any friends. Plus we want the game to be enjoyable to all players. Not just those who rant and rave. But others who just enjoy a chat and a bit of friendly banter while they play.

Q: Why was I warned/banned for having a killing spree?

A: An admin can't be online 24/7. So we have set some rules to protect the server from obvious hackers. We have been careful to set the rules high enough to avoid innocent players being banned. In some rare cases people might still be banned for no good reason. Sorry if this happens to you but we have to protect the majority of players. You can appeal your ban on our forums.

Q: What commands can I use on the server?

A: Currently players can use;

  • !help
    • !votekick [playername or part of] - use to kick disruptive players. E.g !votekick Firejack
    • !voteban [playername or part of] - use to ban hackers and cheats. E.g !voteban Firejack
    • !admin [message] - summons an admin
  • !info
    • nextmap - show next map that will be played
    • !rank - shows your stats on server
    • !top shows top 3 players on server
    • !rules - shows server rules

You can also use maplist to show all maps in current map cycle but this can be a long list and spam chat a bit.

Q: Why is the map cycle or game mode different from when I joined?

A: We primarily run a Mixed Mode 64 player map cycle of Conquest 64, Conquest Assault 64 and Rush64. However we may change map cycle if fewer people are on or people have requested a particular game mode or map for that day.

Q: Why am I forced to play in a squad?

A: The squad system is one of the best features of Battlefield 3. On release Battlefield 3 automatically formed squads. This feature was removed. We have re-introduced it on our server. (Currently broken after R20 server patch)

Q: I see you use, can I help?

A: Yes! If you are a regular player on our server, post your Metabans name on our forums and we will follow you. Any help to keep out hackers and generally disruptive players is appreciated.

Q: Why are you killing me?!?! (Killed By Admin bug) (Fixed 08/06/2012??) A: The R20 patch added extra squads and this seems to cause the Team Balancer to bug unfortunately. There is nothing we can do about it for the time being. We also get killed by the bug if we're team balanced :(

Q: Why was I banned for having a high ping?

A: High ping players will be kicked to make room for other players. When they are kicked they are given a temporary ban for the rest of the round.

Q: How are teams balanced?

A: Just before map change each team is balanced by their players lifetime Battlelog Score Per Minute. Squads will be kept together. Although squad leadership may change.

Map Cycle

All maps are as follows unless indicated.

  • Team Death Match - 1 Round
  • Rush32/64 - 2 Rounds
  • Conquest64/ConquestAssault64 - 1 Round

Team Death Match - to fill server 0-24 players

  1. [TDM] Operation Metro
  2. [TDM] Seine Crossing
  3. [TDM] Noshahr Canals
  4. [TDM] Grand Bazaar

Operation Metro (going to change this soon) 24-48 players

  1. [Conquest64] Operation Metro - 2 Rounds
  2. [Rush32] Operation Metro

Primary Map Cycle - without Back to Karkand maps. 32-64 players

  1. [Conquest64] Caspian Border
  2. [Rush64] Grand Bazaar
  3. [Conquest64] Seine Crossing
  4. [Rush64] Teheran Highway
  5. [Conquest64] Damavand Peak
  6. [Rush64] Operation Firestorm
  7. [Conquest64] Kharg Island
  8. [Rush64] Operation Metro
  9. [Conquest64] Noshahr Canals
  10. [Rush64] Seine Crossing
  11. [Conquest64] Grand Bazaar
  12. [Rush64] Damavand peak
  13. [Conquest64] Teheran Highway
  14. [Rush64] Caspian Border
  15. [Conquest64] Operation Metro
  16. [Rush64] Kharg Island
  17. [Conquest64] Operation Firestorm
  18. [Rush64] Noshahr Canals

B2K Map Cycle - Back to Karkand maps. 32-64 players

  1. [Conquest64] Gulf of Oman
  2. [Rush64] Strike at Karkand
  3. [ConquestAssault64] Wake Island
  4. [Rush64] Sharqi Peninsula
  5. [ConquestAssault64] Strike at Karkand
  6. [Rush64] Gulf of Oman
  7. [ConquestAssault64] Sharqi Peninsula
  8. [Rush64] Wake Island