Guild Rules

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You will be invited to Nemetos Order on the basis that you raid or that you don't. If you joined as a raider then you need to speak with your class leader about what exactly is expected from you in terms of activity, talent specs and preparation for raids. Your rank will be limited to 'member' if you are not a raider. The reserve and raider ranks are for raiders.

  1. Trial - A new member to the guild. You earn DKP as normal, but you are considered bottom of the list when the loot drops.
  2. On Report - someone has been a bad boy, and whichever officer put you here will have told you exactly what the problem is. If you find yourself On Report, you should meditate on your actions and perhaps give the Code of Conduct a readthrough.
  3. Alt - an alt of a non-officer. If the alt is PvE specced they have the same priority for loot as the mains, otherwise mains get preferential treatment. The guild reserves the right to ask you to bring your main instead, if class balance is a problem. The guild will never demand you bring an alt instead of your main, but we might ask nicely.
  4. Reserve - Build and/or Equipment are not suitable for raiding. If you wish to improve your rank, speak to your class leader. Loot rights are as normal, but you are last choice for filling empty raid slots.
  5. Raider - Dedicated raider, has attended most of the guild raids over a period of several months. First choice for raid spots.
  6. Veteran - This rank is reserved for the long standing and contributing members of the guild. Whilst some may not be raiders, for those who do raid this is considered a rank above the rank of raider in terms of priority for places

All other ranks are officer ranks. Feel free to approach them with any questions.

Forum/Teamspeak Code of Conduct

  • NO excessive use of poor language in any situation ever. Some members of the guild have children or youngsters living with them, and anything you say can and will be edited by the mods should they feel it necessary. The occassional foul word might be overlooked, but please, think before you type.
  • NO abusive comments to other members. if you have a problem with a member, inform an officer and sort it out ingame with them like adults. Should you do it enough times for it to become inexcusable, (say, twice) we'll remove your private forums access as a warning, and the final result of continued arguing will result in one or both parties being demoted or removed from the guild. We're a guild for good atmosphere and friendly play, and all the new and old members alike must respect each other, regardless of dislikes. Should you become subject to hostile tells from another guild member, sending a screenshot to one of the guild officers is the fastest way to get matters resolved.
  • Please use the general WoW forum for any general WoW discussion, as there are TNGC members with characters who are not in our guild, and we like to share, don't we?
  • You are invited, at any time, to constructively criticise posts people make. Dont think that your not meant to disagree, how boring would life be if everyone thought exactly the same thing? At the same time, offering a solution is infinitely preferable to whining.

Ingame Code of Conduct

  • As with the above, good attitude and outspoken natures are encouraged. arguments over silly things are not, and will land each participant in a sizeable amount of hassle from whichever officers are online, because none of us like drama. Please be respectful, and do the simple things like say hello and goodbye.
  • in any party or raid, listen to the raid leader without question. should you honestly think were doing something wrong, or you have to go afk, whisper the raidleader or another person with (A) (promoted in raid) and they'll sort out your query. Reasons for this are simple: people spamming raidchat means people stop paying attention when we need to say something important. While we don't usually mind a bit of chit-chat in /ra and /1, please stop when asked. Anything not directly relating to the raid should be in /g anyway.
  • NEVER in any situation ninja or steal from another player, be it nemetos or random. This type of play won't be tolerated, anyone found to be playing this way is given a chance to explain themselves, if the excuse is inadequate the result is /gkick. Nemetos and the TNGC have a good reputation and we dont want anyone ruining it.
  • Applications to other guilds are not permitted whilst in nemetos, we wont be backup to any other bigger guilds. We think were the best, but not because we have the most epics or all the hardcore leet players. The TNGC motto is "who you play with is what makes the game fun", and we do our best to put that ideal first. If you feel like you want to change guild, or have a problem that might lead you to leave the guild, discuss it with an officer. We will talk it over with you no matter the reason, even suggest guilds we are friendly with for you to join should you honestly feel you dont belong with the fantastic people in nemetos.
  • Remember, it's just a game. Deep breath, count to 10. Nerf Warlocks.
  • invite other people to play with us! even if the guild itself is full, we still play games like battlefield and soon to play auto assault, as well as older games like planetside. tell them the url, and get people you know and like to come chat with us. long live the TNGC!