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Located in Deadwind pass, Karazhan will likely be the first level 70 raid instance you encounter. As with any raid instance it has a raid timer so you can only enter one instance per week.


You need The Master's Key to enter. Firstly you need to complete the two soloable quests outside Karazhan then you set about creating the key by collecting fragments of it.

First Key Fragment

This is located at the end of the Shadow Labryinth, to the left of Murmur.

Second Key Fragment

You'll find this at the bottom of the water which follows the bridge as you head to the second and third bosses

Third Key Fragment

This is in the room where you encounter the Negaton Warpmasters after the first boss

Activating the key

Talk to Medivh after completing The Black Morass to activate the key and finish the quest

The Violet Eye

As you progress through the dungeon killing bosses and trash mobs you'll gain reputation with The Violet Eye. They have a couple of items for sale, but mostly you'll want to pick up the free ring you get once you're friendly. This is upgraded to epic at honoured and upgraded further beyond that. As with Ahn'Qiraj you have a choice of melee dps, ranged dps, healing and tanking rings which can't be changed (at least initially) so choose carefully!


Attumen The Huntsman and Midnight

The hard part about this boss is the trash before it. It is on a 30 minute respawn but is quite trivial, especially if you have a couple of priests to shackle and a hunter. Just be careful about the horses fear and the patrols. Bear in mind wipes need to be avoided as any respawned trash will aggro once you engage the boss.

This fight will firstly involve the off-tank on the horse, Midnight, with him facing it to the wall to avoid the melee dps being cleaved. After a short while the boss will come, which is tanked by the main tank, to the left of where the off-tank has Midnight.

We DPS the horse to 25%, dispelling the magic debuff the main tank gets. At 25% aggro is wiped, and Attumen gets on his horse. Aggro is wiped clean so we let the main tank establish aggro on the boss who is now back at 100% health. It is pretty straightforward just keep the boss faced away from the raid, remove curses from the raid and bear in mind he will randomly charge people so spread out as much as possible.


This boss comes with 4 undead adds which are a combination of retibution paladin, holy paladin, warrior, MS warrior, shadow priest and holy priest.

3 of the adds need to be crowd controlled (shackle, hunter trap) and one will be killed (one of the casters). We will then either kill another add or attack the boss, depending upon the raid setup (all remaining adds must be kept in crowd control for the duration of the fight)

The boss himself hits rather hard, he is a rogue. He will gouge the MT and so we have an OT who is building up aggro ready to take over when he does gouge. He also blinds which can be removed with cleanse or abolish poison. Occasionally he will vanish and appear behind someone after hitting them with garotte. This DoT can be removed with BoP, ice block, divine shield but nothing else and ticks for 1,000 every 3 seconds for 5 minutes! It is important the garotted people get heals.

After DPSing him to 20% or so, he gets a +20% damage enrage which shouldn't be a problem if all has gone OK. After he dies then we kill the remaining adds.

Maiden of Virtue

We tank her in the middle, the ranged spread out around the pillars, in range of healers but not close to eachother. She will regularly cast "consecration" which is very weak but also silences making healing impossible if you're too close to her. She does holy wrath which jumps between players too close to eachother, hence the reason for spreading out. Because of this there shouldn`t be more then 3 people in melee range

She also does holy fire which leaves a nasty DoT which must be cleansed. Repentance will stun everyone for a considerable period of time. The melee will have it broken by the consecration, a paladin should have blessing of sacrifice on the MT so they get theirs broken and can heal the MT until the stun ends.

It is basically a case of dispelling holy fire, healing melee and staying spread out.

The Big Bad Wolf

One of the 3 possible events at the Opera House.

This guy activates after you tell grandmother "Oh grandmother, what big ears you have!" and the MT picks him up and pulls him to the far end of the room, away from the ranged who group close to eachother.

He will transform 1 player into Red Riding Hood, wipe all aggro and start chasing them. Red Riding Hood gets +50% run speed but -100% armor whilst debuffed, and they have to kite the Big Bad Wolf around the room, healers should be paying sole attention to keeping Red Riding Hood alive until the debuff goes.

He will then return to MT, and occasionally fear in close range going to the ranged DPS who run to the MT so they can get aggro back before making someone Red Riding Hood again.

As long as we keep Red Riding Hood alive then there should be no problems.

The Curator

This boss has 1,000,000 HP and we won't kill him in time be straightforward DPS.

Instead we kill his adds which come every 10 seconds and cast chain lightining to people in melee range (stay spread out!). Each add he creates makes him lose mana, and it is important we kill them fast to avoid being overwhelmed. When he is OOM he takes 250% more damage from all attacks whilst he channels evocation, at that point we all nuke the boss as much as possible before returning to add killing duty when his mana is back to full.

The second person on the bosses aggro will get hit with Hateful Bolt which casts every few seconds and causes over 4,000 arcane damage. It will be obvious who has been hit with it, and they must be healed!

At 10% he enrages with increased damage, stops summoning adds and casts Hateful Bolt much more quickly all the while taking 250% more damage from all attacks. At this point we focus on keeping the MT and the Hateful Bolt target alive, and nuking the boss down to 0.

This is a long fight and requires alot of healing!

Terestian Illhoof

This boss is quite a chaotic encounter but not that difficult with the right setup. MT will tank the boss, someone will OT his pet imp. We kill the boss as the imp will just get resummoned, the OT will kill the imp by themselves sometimes. Both the boss and his pet hit farely weakly, the raid instead takes damage from the smaller imps which are summoned rapidly and the bosses sacrifice.

The OTed imp will debuff people making them take increased damage from fire attacks, which makes the smaller imps a problem which they otherwise aren't. We will occasionally call for AoE on the small imps so we don't get too many up. A destruction warlock can spam seed of corruption on the boss and use shadowfury to do a lot of damage to the imps, and coupled with nether protection this is a great way of dealing with them. When someone gets sacrificed they will be placed in the centre of the room and chained there, all DPS will focus on the chains and healers keep the sacrificed player alive. The boss uses the sacrifice not only to kill people but to heal himself, so it is important the chains are dealt with quickly.

Shade of Aran

This is a tough boss. He is a mage so is vulnerable to melee. He can't be tanked instead he has random aggro and will cast frostbolt, fireball and arcane missles in the raid. It is important the that healers monitor who is being targeted though main tanks target's target and heal them, as he tends to try and nuke people down with a few quick spells.

He can be shield bashed, kicked and countered and if we counter all his spells he will swap to melee for a short while. When he goes oom he does mass polymorph, drinks up and casts aoe pyroblast which may kill classes with low HP (eg mages). His special attacks include flame wreath which places random raid members in a circle of flames, if anyone crosses out of or into the flames (or uses divine shield, ice block, cloak of shadows, shadowfiend, pet) then nearby raid members take damage which will cause a wipe, so everyone stands still ahead of flame wreath. He does blizzard which slows and does damage, you can go clockwise around his room to avoid it or if you find yourself in it get out asap by moving to the center of the room or going anti-clockwise.

Occasionally he will pull everyone too him, do mass slow and charge up arcane explosion. Everyone runs to the outside of the room or they will die. Also he has a melee ranged counterspell so healers cant stand near him and expect to cast spells.

At 40% 4 water elementals come for 90 seconds. These have too much HP to kill, and cast frostbolt often. We need to fear and banish all we can.

We should aim for 1 poly and pyroblast before 40% when the elementals come, then after that we should be aiming to kill him before another.

Prince Malchezaar

Essentially tank, DPS and heal. Phase 1 is from 100 to 60% and he will case enfeeble on people (but not the highest in aggro, the MT) which reduces their health to 1 and makes them unhealable for a while, but they return to their full health after it. After enfeeble he will cast an aoe around him so any melee enfeebled needs to get back or get 1 shot. He summons unkillable and stationary infernals in random places around the room which have a 1500 damage per tick hellfire, which will 1 shot anyone enfeebled. Its important people pay attention on teamspeak as people will typically be saying where the infernals are landing.

At 60% phase 2 starts and lasts until 30%. Its basically the same but his damage on the MT is upped a lot, and people should nuke to bring him to 30% asap.

At 30% he stops enfeeble, summons infernals faster and throws away his axes which he got in phase 2 to attack random people. His damage on MT returns to normal. His aoe is also now unpredictable but shouldn't be a big deal as nobody is getting enfeebled. The infernals are the most deadly part about this phase.

In phases 1 and 3 he will do shadow word pain on MT which needs to be dispelled. If you're confident you can do it quickly then amplify magic on MT is helpful in this healing intensive fight.


There are 2 repeating phases. The portal and banish phase.

Netherspite is tanked near the enterance to the room and 3 portals (1 green 1 blue 1 red) appear around him. They give benefitial buffs to Netherspite if the beam which comes from them reaches him, so we need to take the beams ourselves.

The red beam gives you instant aggro and is a health, defense and damage reducing buff for 30 seconds, after which it reduces your HP. One tank takes it for 30 sec, then the other for 30 sec. If Netherspite gets it then his damage taken is reduced by 1% per second.

Green reduces your mana but improves your healing and mana cost of spells is reduced. Typically it's best for people without mana to get this as the mana reduction is annoying. Netherspite will heal himself rapidly if he gets the green beam.

Blue improves the damage of your spells but increases your magic damage taken which is an issue as he has a weak shadow damage aura which is a major problem when you have the blue beam. If Netherspite gets it then he will do 1% more damage for every second he was in the beam.

After 60 sec he banishes himself and becomes stationary, but still attackable. The portals stop for 30 sec and he starts to cast Netherbreath which is a cone attack focussed on 1 person, and does a considerable amount of damage and knocks you back. For this phase we all go back up the ramp and hide behind the wall.

Following this, we run back for the next portal phase. Its important to note that the portals will have swapped positions now. Also note that 10 sec after leaving the beam, you get a debuff which stops you taking a beam of the same colour for 90 sec. It is important you don't intercept any beam which you arent supposed to take.

The rotation we used on our first kill was:

RED : Mulac + Bamm || Banish || Eredar + Saenar || Banish || Mulac + Bamm

GREEN: Prinses || Banish || Mulac || Banish || Prinses

BLUE : Theanon + Boomon || Banish || Lexwow + Prinses || Banish || Theanon + Boomon

After 10 min he enrages and will kill everyone quickly. So you must all stay alive and DPS all you can. You can't get aggro off someone in red beam. Also watch your DPS until the portals return after their 10 sec delay following the start of a new portal phase, as aggro has been reset and if you aggro you'll die and that will probably result in a wipe.

Also note that whilst the second tanks for each portal phase (here Bamm + Saenar) can get away with wearing practically any sort of gear, the first tanks should be the raids MT and OT as they will have to tank without the benefits of the red beam for a short wile.

Pay particular attention to healing the person with the blue beam buff/debuff at the start of the banish phase as they will die quickly if they get Netherbreath and aren't healed.


This is quite straightforward. Melee dps attacks from the dragons sides, ranged keeps range. When the ground is burning beneath you, you should move away. Paladins and Priests need to cleanse this debuff. The MT needs either fear ward or they need to stance dance so Nightbane does not fear them. The MT will keep the boss pointed away from the instance thoughout.

At 75, 50 and 25% the boss goes into flight. He will randomly attack people and summon skeletons which the raids MT and OT will tank. The DPS should kill these skeletons asap.

Before Nightbane lands an aggro reset occurs. Healers should not heal until the MT gets aggro again. The MT can bandage themselves to generate a small amount of threat before Nightbane lands.

It is a long fight so conserve mana as much as possible