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Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (mmorpg)

It all started with MUD`s (Multi-User Dungeon, Domain or Dimension) which were complety text based games. Mostly played on internal networks, lateron more widely used cause of the internet. The first graphical mmorpg 'Neverwinter Nights' was released in 1991, after that around 1995 the market started to get bigger and more games came out. Even now the mmorpg market is huge. Alot of good games are in the making. Also more and more translated games start to rise up. (in asia they develop loads of them)

Anyways, i want to share (and hope others will add) my experience in the mmo`s i played or know things about that i want to share.

Closed beta/in development

MMorpg, Currently in beta

Mmorpg, F2P (free to play) (mostly with item shop)

Last chaos Just started to try this out. Looks alright, plays alright. Not much special though. Only thing thats somewhat different is that you can challenge yourself in personal dungeons.

Cabal Online You can continuously quest in this game and lvl up with that. Very much solo based, theres no class in there that i know that can heal. Most original in this game is a combo system where you can activate a combo and if timed correctly make very large amounts of combos with your skills.

Hero Online Lots of martial arts moves added to a mmorpg.

Conquer Online Cause of this game I ended up in Tul Acharn (and so eventually in the TNGC). Very much a grinding game where how further you get it starts to take ages per lvl. You can reborn after you reach a certain lvl, i believe they got players to get reborn 3x now (ofcourse you have advanteages when you reborn). I mostly enjoyed the guild pvp in that game. Now the community just became.. unfriendly.

EUdemons Made by the same people that made conquer online, focus lies on pets. Combine, lvl, perfect your pets. Be one with your pet and get nice bonusses in def/atk etc. I definatly had some fun with the game.

Rappelz Quite a funny game, theres still people i know playing it. It`s an ok game, everyone can get a nice pet.

FlyFF Some original classes. Was quite laggy at the time i played it though (made me quit playing) Same creator as Rappelz btw. The most original part about the game was being able to fly with hooverboards.

MU Online Cant remember much of this, its still popular but i recall i quitted this game quite fast (think the camera bugged me)

Dragon Raja Typical pot/grind mmorpg. Just kill kill kill. Also crafting is quite big in this game. Funny part about that, they allow macros for that. Its very common to see alot of ppl afk in houses inside towns creating loads of stuff. Its a bit older now too.

The 4th coming One of the first mmorpg`s I played. It`s here more for nostalgic reasons, the graphics are pretty much outdated. Theres a small playerbase left on small scattered servers. Was a great game for its time.

Mmorpg, P2P (pay to play)