Nemetos Order
Welcome to the Nemetos Order Wiki!
Nemetos Order is a guild on Kor'gall-EU. We specialise in endgame PVE raiding and are currently progressing into Naxxramas. This wiki serves as a resource for members and visitors alike, feel free to use the tactics posted here, Nemetos Order members are advised to read these thoroughly before attending any raids.
To apply to our house of loot, visit the Recruitment forum . Be aware however that our warlock officer loves eating epixx and new recruits in equal amounts. Not to mention of course the selection of loveable weirdos and self proclaimed cannibals that you will also have to cope with.
If semi-hardcore raiding with a mix of humour and drama is your thing, either apply or contact one of our members who will point you in the right direction.
Our adventure started a few days before the start of WoW EU Retail. Urdas (Amigafan2003) created a proposal for the formation of the Nemetos Order and the latest division of the community came to life. Moments after the live servers came up we all started hoping between servers trying to find one that wasn't too crowded. A more challenging task then you could possibly imagine. ColdRidge Valley was a giant slaughter house on most servers with 2 or 3 people trying to kill the same Wolf. Eventually we settling on Agamaggan as suggested by Darkblade (Dark). Everyone was feverishly leveling for the most of that day. Later on we all met up in Ironforge where Rocket (RocketRevenger) created the Guild as he was elected temporary Guild leader for Urdas who was away. This screenshot captured the moment the names of those forming the Guild started signing.
The full role call of those who signed was;
- Rocket
- Firejack
- Grumph (Killerwolf)
- Bamm (Headhunter)
- Aczeren
- 3D
- Mulac (?)
- Stormhammer (?)
- Selianna (?)
- DrFennris (?)
(Someone confirm the last 4 please}
Our time on Agamaggan was mostly a personal journey for many as everyone leveled their characters. The Guild began attracting many players at a early stage and soon grew to a big group of people as captured by this page from the April the 5th, 2005.
Agamaggan though had its problems. Unofficially it became known as one of the servers where Spanish players were. This led to huge overcrowding as thousands of Spanish users tried to cram onto a few Unofficial Spanish server. This led to queues and lag that create a very partisan atmosphere with the Spanish and 'the rest' making uneasy neighbours. The queues were getting longer, a hardcore group of Spanish people starting talking in General chat in Spanish and the lag got even worse. When the choice to migrate to a new realm came the Guild jump at the chance and the whole Guild moved over and reformed.
date of korgall move new guild leader nw alliance raiding progress
- Guild Officers
- Guild Master - Orlanna
- Dismus - Guild Bank
- Irricas - Community Leader
- Class Leaders
- Paladins - Bamm
- Warlocks -
- Warriors - Eredar
- Hunters - Calendil
- Priests - Orlanna
- Mages - Shandella
- Rogues - Prinses
- Druids - Mulac
- Shamans - Natedawgg