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Quest Chain

Dragonkin Menace

You get this quest from Morgan's Vigil (Alliance FP) at Burning steppes. The NPC is called Helendis Riverhorn. Nothing hard for this quest, you need to kill some elite dragons that are all around the zone.

The True Masters (1)

This step sends you to talk with the mayor of Lakeshire. Nothing special about it.

The True Masters (2)

You know have to go to Stormwind Keep and deliver a letter to Bolvar...

The True Masters (3)

... Who sends you to talk with Lady Prestor standing on his side.

The True Masters (4)

You are sent back to Lakeshire to deliver Bolvar's letter to the magistrate and...

The True Masters (5)

... back to Marshal Maxwell in the Burning Steppes.

The True Masters (6)

Maxwell sends you to talk with a dwarf named Ragged John who is at the north part of Burning Steppes, outside a cave. Thottbot coordinate is 65,23 and the area is called Flame Crest. This is place is directly north of Morgan's Vigil. Warning - the horde FP is here.

Marshal Windsor

The fun part begins. You are now sent to Blackrock Depths (BRD) to find Windsor. You can find his cell by turning right after you enter the instance, in the tunnel to the left of the guard room. If you don't have the cell key or a rogue, you can get it from a simple and harmless boss at the south end of the loop.

Abandoned Hope

Windsor gives you the bad news and sends you back to Maxwell. If you have completed this quest already, other members may need to go back to the camp to talk with Maxwell. This will take a while, they may get ganked by horde on the way as well, so be patient and wait for them to get back.

A Crumpled Up Note

You are now back to BRD and you need to start killing stuff. To get this quest you need to pickup a note that comes as a random drop from all the mobs in the instance. Usually people are getting it from the first kills, so it shouldn't take that long. Anyway you need to clear the whole detention block area since windsor will walk around during the escort so you will have your chances. When you get the note, report back to him.

A Shred of Hope

Windsor now needs some information that you get by killing two BRD bosses, General Angerforge and Golem Lord Argelmach.

Go back to the instance entrance and go north/west through the door, kill that elemental that wanders around and open the door on your right. As you get in the room, clear the mobs a bit and then use that big device to rotate the bridge into place. When you get on the top floor, head left through that path till to get to the next room. Angerforge is on your left and the Golem Lord on your right.

For Angerforge, kill the elementals that are infront of the stairs as you get down to his room, and then the other group that is on the left side. You now have the boss with 3 non-elites. have the tank on him for a while while the mage/warlock aoes the other 3. Make sure to save some mana, since before Angerforge dies you will have another group of 5-8 adds, a mixed group of elites and non-elites.

You are now ready for Golem Lord. Go to the room opposite of Angerforge's and clear everything! Golem Lord runs around the room when he's aggroed so you will definately get adds if you leave any mobs inside. Its a relatively easy fight, have some one offtank one if his golems, even a mage will do with some healing. Get the tank and at least one DPS class on Argelmach and he will go down fairly fast.

For more information you can always read the guide.

Jail Break!

The (in)famous jail break. You now have reported back to windsor with the two notes and you are ready to start the escort. Before starting the quest you must have cleared everything around the prison area, and the storage room. This room has a few mobs inside, but more will spawn when windsor tries to get in. If you don't clear it in advance, I will be a wipe and you will fail the quest (forcing an instance reset to boot).

So, after having cleared everything, go to windsor and start the quest. Make sure that everyone is on the same part, "Jail Break!" before you start it, otherwise there will be people left out of the quest. Windsor walks around the whole prison area (south and north parts). All fights are relatively easy (apart from the one at the storage room) even if you haven't cleared everything. Just try to avoid having runners going into adds and you will not have any problems.

Report back to Maxwell.

Stormwind Rendezvous

Now to the easy part. The following steps can be soloed, even if they are labeled "Raid". Just wait for Windsor at the gates of Stormwind and when he comes he gives you the next quest.

The Great Masquerade

Now just watch the nice scripted cinematic. After some blabbering, Windsor will end up outside Stormwind Keep and will wait for you to start the next part of the quest.

Same rules apply here, don't start the quest before everyone is ready (if you are in a group) because you will leave people out. There will be a long fight, leave Bolvar handle everything and just stay out of aggro (out of the main hall). If you die, you will probably fail the quest, having to wait for another 10 minutes to half an hour at the gates for Windsor.

The Dragon's Eye

After the fight you get the next part from Bolvar. Its a riddle and it doesn't actually give any clues. The gal you need to talk to is located in Winterspring. You need to go at a cave (area called Mazthoril) which is located south-west from Everlook. You can follow the road south, and turn west at the first path you encounter. If you use the coordinates mod the cave is at 58,52.

This is soloable as well although be prepared to die a lot of times. You need to get into a cave of 56-60 elite dragons and run to the end of it. There you will find a blue rune on the ground which after standing on it, teleports you to the NPC you need to talk to. You can do it with a normal instance group or a classic warrior/pala, dps, healer combo and its fairly easy. The other strategy is to take off all your equipment and run through, repeat-corpse-running as neccessary.

Drakefire Amulet

Congratulations, you know have now reached the last part of the quest. What you need to do now is get into a UBRS raid and kill Drakkisath. You need to get his blood, get it back to Haleh in Mazthoril and you will get your Drakefire Amulet.

Note: Drakkisath drops only a few of these items at a time, so if many people have the quest you will probably need to roll on them and the highest 3/4 will get them. Some times they get ninja-looted if you play with randoms, but don't get frustrated we can always do it again.

thanks to Fennris for compiling this infomation for us

Battle strategy

ONYXIA: the MT needs to know the encounter backwards, so i wont be posting that part here. this small guide is for the rest of the raid. there are 3 phases to the onyxia encounter.

throughout the fight groups 5 and 6 will be designated to take care of any whelps that spawn. they will be positioned towards the south of the cavern, close to (but not too close) the Whelp egg pits.

__Phase 1__: fight starts, warrior runs in, aggros, and move backwards towards the north wall. rest of the raid filters in to either side, Groups 2, 4, 6, and 8 to the west (left) and groups 1, 3, 5, and 7 to the east (right). MT gets aggro after 40+ seconds and messages the raid for nuking. at each 10% interval (90,80,70) attacks must stop for between 10-15 seconds for the MT to regain aggro. this means all attacks, if the MT loses aggro its not easy to get back as Onyxia is immune to taunts. at 60% Onyxia will take flight, and begin phase 2.

__Phase 2__: Onyxia flies about a bit and takes potshots at random raid members from a great height. ranged dps need to be on the move, as do healers. the most important part of this fight is to stay spread out, or you will encounter something called "Deep breath" which is very, very bad. 1 deep breath can wipe the entire raid, and Onyxia will intelligently target a large group of people for Deep Breath if they are too close together. other than that whelps are being taken care of and mana regenerated for phase 3. at around 40%, Onyxia will land and phase 3 begins.

__Phase 3__: shes a bit annoyed now. the surroundings reflect this, the cracks in the floor shooting lava which will fear everyone including the MT. solution is to stay away from the cracks. also random aggro, more whelps and lots of knockbacks on melee and tank. calmly reduce Onyxias HP to 0, still taking breaks at 10% intervals and keep the battle resses for healers.

or, you can see the full explaination for greater justice which we Shamelessly pinched from another guild.