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Source: http://www.atlasmod.com

Trash Mobs

Qiraji Gladiators

Like Molten Giants, but with higher damage and less hp. No problem.

Qiraji Swarmguard

Fast flyer with a large aggro radius. Likes to pull other groups, but otherwise not a problem.

Swarmguard Needlers

Red flying insect, come with 2 (white) needlers, which spit an non-dispellable "itchy" debuff at raid members. When the itchy ends, it turns into a poison effect which can be cleansed. The red swarmguard will target poisoned raid members with a charge knockback attacks, so cleanse the effect asap.

Flesh Hunters

Eats people. The person being eaten must be kept healed, if they die then the Hunter recovers 100% of its hp.



Fairly straightforward boss, only two things of note.

  1. Anti-healing debuff on the boss's target, which stacks until the tank can't be healed any more. Tanks must switch out regularly and allow the debuff to wear off. In an emergency, paladins can use Blessing of Protection to force a temporary aggro drop, the debuffs will wear off before BoP does.
  2. Sand traps, which are explosive bubbles of aoe damage and silence. Run straight forward and get out of their range before they detonate.


General Rajaxx

Talk to the NPCs to start the fight. Keeping the shirtless Lieutenant-General alive is the most important part, as he makes tanking the Qiraji General a lot simpler. There 7 waves of trash before the General, with no rest in between, so use JoW to regenerate mana as much as possible. The third wave uses a lightning storm, the friendly NPCs need to be trained out of it (by kiting their target away) or they get chewed up in seconds.

The General himself is a basic melee type, with one extra-special move, an AoE knockback which deals 50% of current hp in damage to most of the raid. The friendly lieutenant-general is immune to this, so you can use him to tank. The trick is that the aoe cannot kill you unless you have less than 100hp, so you can ignore it except for keeping the tanks healed up. If you get aggro, kite him for a while and he'll lose interest, or the tanks will get a chance to taunt him off you.