Raid stats

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To better determine what goes on in raids, nemetos order has its own webpage with detailed raid statistics. This can help the raid evaluate what went wrong in case of failed raids, or find points of improvement. It is also a place for individual players to learn from. You can access our Raid statistics by going to the Nemetos order website, which can be found here

Getting accurate data

To get accurate data from every raid, combat logs from multiple players are needed. World of warcraft has a command to enable combat logging. To enable this type '/combatlog on' and '/combatlog off' to disable.

Before a raid, make sure you delete the old log file, if you have one, so the data will not interfere with eachother. Then make sure combat logging is turned on. After the raid, go to the wow/logs folder, and rename your combatlog to: charname-date. Rar/zip the log and mail this to:

Remember to delete the log file after mailing it, so that it wont interfere with future raids.


An addon that auto enables/disables your combatlog is Autocl.

(needs detailed description on how this addon works)