Trial of Bloodright

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The Trial of Bloodright

The Bloodname History:

Originally, The Clans had approximately 760 Bloodnames. The name of each of the 800 warriors who joined Nicholas Kerensky and refused to take part in the Exodus Civil War was considered a Bloodname. 40 of the original 800 names were removed when the "Not-Named Clan" was annihilated. Clan tradition dictated that only 25 living Clan warriors could hold the same Bloodname, and each warrior must have had a direct matrilineal link to the original progenitor.

Each Clan originally claimed rights to only 40 Bloodnames that Nicholas Kerensky assigned to that Clan. This organization gradually blurred as Clans fought each other in Trials of Possession for specific warriors' DNA to enhance their individual Clan. Even if warriors became Abtakha (captured by another Clan), they still retained the right to claim a Bloodname belonging to their former Clan. In this way, more than one Clan could claim the same Bloodname. Additional cross-naming took place when two of the Clans were disbanded and their Bloodnames spread among the other Clans. There are still some Bloodnames, however, that are the exclusive property of a Clan. The Kerensky and Ward Bloodnames, for example, are still held only by warriors of the Wolf Clan.

Winning a Bloodname is a warrior's guarantee of Clan immortality. Not only is he honored with the right to use the Bloodname as his own, but he becomes eligible for high military and political positions. More importantly, his genetic uniqueness is taken and added to the clan’s stores for breeding future generations of warriors.

For the purposes of the online world, the number of and rules for the Bloodnames must be altered. In Clan Diamond Wolf, only 8 Bloodnames are available to the Clan, of which only 1 warrior may hold any one Bloodname at any time.

The eight Bloodnames in Clan Diamond Wolf are:

Ward (Lonewolph)

Kell (Firejack)

Kerensky (Niels)

Gorga (Minizonk)

Sender (currently unheld)

Carns (currently unheld)

Radick (currently unheld)

Vickers (currently unheld)