Website Services
How do I get an account on the main TNGC Website?
Once you've created an account on the forums, you can automatically use the same name and password to login on the main TNGC site.
What can I do on the TNGC Website?
Initially, there are only a few things you can do. Besides basic browsing around, you can post on the Shoutbox you can participate in the permanent Games I Play poll on the Games page, you can view the Profiles of any member (wherever their name appears as a link, just click it) and most importantly you can get into the Access Request Panel
Access Request Panel, whats that?
Once you've logged in, you'll notice the Login box has been replaced with the Toolbox. The Toolbox will give you quick links to all the services on the site that you can currently access. When you login for the first time, you'll only see the Access Request Panel there. Inside are links you can use to send an automatic request to the Site Admin to grant you rights to use some of the other services. For most users, the Gallery Upload Rights and My Profile Rights. Just click the link to request any set of rights you think you deserve. Its up to the Site Admin whether you'll get them or not of course ;-)
So what do My Profile Rights do?
Once you've been granted rights to create a profile, your Toolbox will give you a link to the My Profiles Panel. In here you can create a profile 1st for yourself and then subsequently you can add profiles for any/all of your characters in any TNGC games/guilds/outfits. All of these profiles can have an image uploaded into them too if you'd like. Wherever your name appears on the main TNGC site it'll be linked to your profile, and you'll also be given a URL you can hand out to put in your forum sig that'll take people to your profile page. You can update your profiles any time by coming back to the My Profile Panel.
I've got Gallery Upload Rights, now what?
Your Toolbox should now be showing a link into the Gallery Upload Panel. From here you can choose which of the galleries you want to add an image to, then select your image file (please try to stick to JPEG or PNG images) and even write some comments about the image. When you hit the Upload button, the image will be added into the selected gallery. Its that simple. The TNGC front page also shows a leaderboard of the top image uploaders. NOTE: Due to limited space please only post those showpiece images (events/achievements/memorable moments) that deserve pride of place on our website. No pictures of cats jumping of roofs or screenshots of Windows crashing. For these kinds of pictures that you may wish to link on our forums use your own webspace or a free hosting service like
I see some other rights in the Access Request Panel, do I need them too?
Most of the other rights are unlikely to be granted to everyone. Should you wish to help out running the website post in the Suggestions & Complaints forum forums first if you'd like to request Article Author, Site Editor, Shoutbox Admin or Keyword Admin.
Ok, but what do they do?
Article Authors have access to the Article Author Panel, where they can write new articles for the TNGC front page. The Articles will pass through the Site Editor Panel so that a user with Site Editor rights can approve them for publication. Not all articles will necessarily be accepted.
Site Editors are the users who approve or reject the articles submitted by Article Authors.
A Shoutbox Admin can delete posts on the Shoutbox. Since the Shoutbox is open to everyone, including anonymous users, there may occasionally be some posts there that need nuking.
Keyword Admins have access to a panel allowing them to manage the list of keywords that'll be automatically turned into links when they appear on the main site.
I think I might want some more rights, or less, or something, who do I talk to?
Post in the Suggestions & Complaints forum to discuss rights issues.
I think something isn't working right, who do I yell at?
Post in the Suggestions & Complaints part of the forums. One of the Admin Team will fix it.
I want to create a profile for my character but the guild/clan/outfit he's in isn't listed!
Is it a TNGC member clan? Firejack controls the list of official TNGC clan names that are available to choose from in the Profile pages and also the list of available Galleries. If you're the leader of a new official TNGC clan, you'll want to ask FJ to set up the new entries for you.
There's something you haven't covered here
So ask .... in the forums!
The following information is aimed at those who wish to contribute to the website and need to know more about the platform they will be working on.
About the Website
The Website is hosted on a server located England by eUKhost and is paid for by donations from members of the Community.
Network Status forum:
Server name: merlin
Main Features
- 5 GB Webspace
- 50 GB/month Bandwidth
- Unlimited Addon/Sub-domains
- cPanel 11 + Fantastico & phpMyAdmin
- Email & Anti-Spam + Mailling list
- MySQL 5
- PHP5
- Tomcat (JSP)
- Perl 5.8.7
- Full features list
Website Development
There are 4 main groups of people for the web development process of the TNGC website. You can check what positions are available by visiting the Heirarchy page in the Wiki.
- Web Administrators - These users have full control of the TNGC web site. They are responsible for the control, management and backup of the site content.
- Webmasters - These individuals look after their sub domain (e.g Starwolf or MAP website) and have full control over its organisation.
- Web Applications Developers - Script and program writers to created the advanced interactive features on the website.
- Web Designers - The artists amoungst us used to create a theme and the artwork for the website.
For security all members of the Web Development team are required to use strong passwords of at least 8 characters with both numbers and letters for their sites and passwords on these forums.
No illegal material is permitted on the TNGC web server. Uploading of anything of this nature will get you removed from the TNGC. Sorry if this sounds harsh but we are legally responsible for the content on this server and don't want to be banned.
For as long as there is space on the server an opportunity to host personal websites on the Community site will be offered on the understanding that when resources become limited you will move you site to make room for the Community. Talk to Firejack about this.
There are several known issues with the website and these are some of the fixes.
Formatting errors/ page irregularities
On pages where users submit data to the website through forms. You may find problems with the way the submission appears or server errors. This is caused by the mod_security settings on the web server. You can fix this by creating a .htaccess file with the following code inside;
<IfModule mod_security.c> SecFilterScanPOST Off </IfModule>
Upload that to the folder where the page suffering the problems is located.