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Aspects of the Primal Gods

Jek'lik / Bat

First part:- Main Tank tanks the boss in the middle, with two healers at opposite sides (so that aoe silence can only hit one at once). The adds are dragged into the rest of the group and AoE'd down. Viper Sting is kept on, so that the boss has no mana for the second part. Second part:- Main tank kites the boss around the middle to avoid fire as much as possible. Rogues kick whenever the "great heal" emote is displayed. Everyone else runs around to dodge the bombing runs.

Venoxis / Snake

First part:- Main Tank holds the boss at the base of the steps while the adds are pulled away. The snakes are slept/sheeped/frozen and killed one by one. The boss has a lot of AoE, including a chain-holy-lightning that does increasing damage (up to 10k) depending on how many melee are in range (which should be none, apart from the MT), plus a fire DoT which must be cleansed off the MT. Mana should be saved for part 2. Second part:- Main Tank kites the boss around to keep out of the gas clouds. The boss both deals and suffers more damage, so nuking all the way. Parasite snakes will leap about, these must be killed with ranged attacks or AoE. Parasite Snake + Poison Cloud = 850DPS = nasty.

Mar'Li / Spider

Troll form:- Main Tank holds the boss at the archway while adds are dragged back and smacked down. The boss has a 30yd poison AoE, so most people should stay beyond that distance, except for the MT, a couple of rogues who kick the nastier spells off, and a pally who cleanses off the poison and keeps JoW up. The spiders that spawn should be pulled back to the OT and eliminated before they can grow. Spider Form:- Main Tank remains at the archway, and all melee apart from OT move in to assist with DPS. When MT loses aggro due to webbing, the OT must pull the spider back to him - all DPS must cease for this to work. The OT should run back quickly, because there is often a second "web" before the transformation back to troll. BoF helps the MT recover aggro, but it does not prevent the initial aggro wipe. On the transform back, return to Phase 1 positions.

Thekal / Tiger

Three tanks need to each tank one of the trolls, the 2 tiger adds can be killed straight off. 2 healers per tank. The three trolls should be pulled to different corners.

Thekal is a mostly-warrior-class who does Mortal Strike and Sweeping Strikes. He also does AoE silence, so a pally needs to hang around and cleanse the healers. Lor'Khan is a priest. He has a nasty habit of healing himself ~40% of his total health. This isn't obvious to see unless you look at CT-RAs target display, and notice he's targetting himself. Any form of stun will stop this, my personal preference is Hammer of Justice. Zath is a rogue, and his trick is to Gouge the tank and run loose. On of our rogues should OT this guy and Kidney shot / Cheap Shot / Gouge him back, and let the tank recover aggro.

Phase 1: The three trolls need to be killed at the same time, so they are brought down to 20% health in the order, Thekal-Zath-Lor'Khan, then gathered in the middle and finished off. The priest should be stunlocked once in position to prevent healing, if possible. Once all three are dead, Thekal transforms and starts kicking arse and taking names.

Phase 2: There are up to 6 adds which must be CCd (not killed), and Thekal must be nuked down asap. He does an wide-ranged aoe knockback which hurts, so try to stick together so that you're in range for a heal straight away. Thekal sometimes uses an Enrage ability, which can be removed with Tranquilising Shot.

Arlokk / Panther

Two offtanks stand at the entrance to each of the panther pens , one healer assigned to each. Once the gong is rung, the boss should be tanked near the middle so that Hunters have enough range to fire. Nuke the boss - you need at least 30% damage before each time she vanishes. When she comes back, she is in Panther form with sweeping strikes and increased attack power - only the MT should be in melee range until she shifts back, all others should attack at range. She has a nasty habit of rushing the clothies upon reappearing, so be ready to bubble.

Anyone who is Marked should stand at the entrance of the room, out of LOS of the panther adds. Only a couple will break free, and the non-elites have comparatively low damage.

This is a straightforward fight, DPS her down before there are too many adds to handle.

Hakkar the Soulflayer

You only get 10 minutes from the pull to kill him, or he goes nuts, so make sure everyone is aware of the strategy beforehand. 2 Tanks on Hakkar, one will be MCd so mages need to be ready with the sheeping. Blow all cooldowns (Intimidating shout especially) so that Hakkar cannot use them against the raid. Every 90s Hakkar will do a life drain (half as often as before 1.9.3), so hunters must pull Sons of Hakkar up to the raid, kill them, and make sure everyone gets poisoned. Corrupted Blood is a pain now, as it has a random target instead of always the MT. If you get it, make sure your healer knows you'll need more attention for a while.

Optional Bosses

Mandokir the Blood Lord

The boss comes once the Speaker is killed, so clear the room before taking on the speaker. The OT holds the Raptor until the end of the fight (if killed, Mandokir goes nuts). All melee apart from the MT should attack from the rear, to avoid Sweeping Strikes. When he starts to do his whirlwind, turn and run. Non-melee classes should keep out of whirlwind range at all times, because it can one-shot a clothie. This is a super-long fight, so pallies will have to keep JoW/JoL up and renew BoW on all casters. The boss has 3 special attacks:- i) Stun - he runs out, stuns one person for 1s, and runs back to the MT. Annoying, but fairly harmless. ii) "Watching" - the target gets a debuff, if any aggro-causing action is performed while the debuff is on, Mandokir will Intercept that person and the MT will lose aggro. CT-RA will warn you of this, and you can hit Escape to cancel all actions. Avoiding this attack is the key to beating him. iii) AoE fear - harmless, provided you cleared the area first. Deadly otherwise.

Jin'do the Hexxer

The fight is really 3 in one:-

(a) The Haxx0r is a fairly simple shaman-type fighter, although his healing totem is super-powerful and must be downed asap. Sheep anyone affected by his MC totem, and keep multiple tanks on him in case the MT is affected. All raid members fighting Jin'do should stay close together, so that melee fighters can switch betweeb totems, shades and Jin'do without wasting time running around.

(b) Raid members will frequently be cursed with Delusions of Jin'do which (a) causes one shade of Jin'do to spawn, and (b) temporarily permits the affected member to harm the shades. The shades are immune to aoe, but only have 1500 health - rogues can down 2 or 3 in the curse time, and warlocks and priests should spam DoTs on every one they see. The shades can harm you even if you don't have the curse, and they (rather than Jin'do) are what ends up wiping the raid. Shades are now undead, so pallies have a chance to kill them now.

(c) The skeletons in the pit should be watched over by a paladin and anyone teleported into them can be rescued with a quick blast of aoe (with Ret aura to allow the stragglers to beat themselves to death).


This boss is fished up from Pagle's Point using special bait and 350+ fishing (see the tackle box at Pagle's Point for the quest).

The boss is pulled to the wall directly east of the summoning point and fought in the water to avoid falling damage; we have kept a pally on top of the wall for ooc rezzing, in case of unlucky one-shotting of clothies. The damage from its breath attack is considered Frost.

Most importantly, the booze at Pagle's Point respawns.

Edge of Madness Bosses

Gri'Lek of the Iron Blood

Form 1:- Kite him around, because he's immune to taunt and hits hard, but isn't particularly fast (120% run speed, or so). Only nuke if you're sure you can outrun the swine. Form 2:- Literally 10 times the size, 10 times the strength, 1/10th the speed. Nuke away from a safe distance. This boss is another with loads of hp, pallies need to keep JoW up (in form 1) and keep BoW up. Cleanse off the Root debuff asap. If you die, corpse run and ride back to the fight.

Hazza'rah the Dreamweaver

Puts the raid to sleep then summons giant adds (ghost devilsaurs and fel lashers) to kill you before you wake up. WTB Tremor Totem, PST.

Wushoolay the Storm Witch

Renataki of the Thousand Blades