The Shattered Blade

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Division Factfile

Name: The Shattered Blade

Tag: TSB

Date: 9th of January, 2005 to 7th of February, 2005 + 7th of October, 2006 to 16th of October, 2006

Leader: Firejack

Former Leaders: Rocket

Game: World of Warcraft

Website: --

Motto: --

Logo: --


Located on the eastern coast of the vast lands of Azeroth. Lays a region known to the inhabits as the Kingdom of Light. The mighty Castle of Reciprocity burns brightly in the sky as an Orcish raid from the dark Horde slays the Distortion Knights who protect the castle and its artefacts. In amongst this chaos a Watcher faces the full ferocity of the horde as he battles to hold on to the most sacred artefact, the mystical Blade of Reciprocity. That contains the soul of the first Watcher to govern over the population of the kingdom. Weakened by several heavy blows the Watcher continues his duty protecting the Blade against an entire band of Orcs. Succumbing to the numbers of enemy the Watchers grip on the Blade is lost and falls from the castles protecting walls breaking into two pieces. One piece falls within reach of a Distortion Knight while the other gravitates to the Orc filled courtyard where two Orcs seek their opportunity to collect their prize in battle and escape.

After the horror the surviving Watchers and Distortion Knights form a quest to reunited the Blade of Reciprocity. Joining this quest inhabitants of the kingdom return the generosity and sacrifice of the Distortion Knights and Watchers in protecting their community by pledging themselves to the quest. Night Elves from the forests, Dwarves from the mines, Gnomes from the mountains and Humans from the valleys all around the Kingdom rally to form the immense "Order of the Shattered Blade" that will forever banish the Horde threat from the Kingdom and return the Blade of Reciprocity.


Part 1

At the start of EU Final beta the TNGC took its first steps into World Of Warcraft. Some members had already taken part in Closed beta but this was the first time anything was organised by the community. We setup on the launch of EU Final beta on EN Final Beta 10 with Rocket setting up the Charter. The Guild closed when EU Final Beta ended.

Part 2

The Shattered Blade had a brief return to life in October 2006 by Firejack. The idea of bring it back was to create a sister Guild for Nemetos Order for alts and non-Raiders - those who played casually or PvP-ed and not PvE raids. The main reason was organisation as it was simply to hard to manage Nemetos as it had over 100 members and coordinating this many people was difficult.

Tsb charter 07-10-06.jpg

Quickly though the new Guild found problems with numbers of active people, communication with the main Guild and trouble managing Raid Signups and the DKP System.