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Communication is vital for the community. Along with the Forums, Website, Teamspeak, Xfire is an ideal way to stay in touch with the rest of the community and arrange games together. In-game chat is also supported so you can have Instant Message conversations while playing your favourite game. The best feature about Xfire is its free! Just download the client and register and you are ready. To get the most from Xfire you need to join the TNGC Xfire Clan which will automatically add all other members of the community with Xfire to your friends list.

  1. Goto http://www.xfire.com/download/ and download the latest version of Xfire.
  2. Following the instructions and register your username.
  3. Once you have registered you must Verify your Email address first
  4. Finally visit http://www.xfire.com/clans/tngc/ and click the Apply for membership button. A TNGC Xfire Clan Admin will then authenticate your request for membership.

Any problems visit the Help and Support section of the forums and one of the TNGC Xfire Clan Admins will help you out.